
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Here at Faith Community Church we love children! They are the future of our church. We want to show them and teach them the love of Christ. We offer Sunday School classes for infants through youth. Infants and toddlers can stay in their classes from Sunday school through church service, if desired. After Sunday school 4 - 11 year olds will join church service for worship, then are dismissed to Children’s Church. While in Children’s Church they will learn God’s word through reading, playing games, interacting with and serving others. On Wednesday nights we have children’s quizzing classes for grades 1-3 and 4-6. This is a great way for children to learn and focus on specific scripture. If you would like more information regarding our children’s ministry, please do not hesitate to reach out.
We would love to have your children grow with us in the Lord. 

Children's Quizzing - See you in the Fall

All Children Grades 1-6 Are Welcome!

The purpose of Children’s Quizzing Bible study and competition is to help children:
• Desire to study the Bible.
• Get acquainted with basic Bible study.
• Grow in understanding of the overall chronology of the Bible.
• Learn that God is the central character and Hero of the Bible.
• Gain increased understanding of God as He is revealed in each study.
• Understand how people in the Bible interacted with God.
• Enjoy quizzing competition.
• Grow in the ability to reflect Christian attitudes and behaviors during competition.
Children’s Bible Quizzing is a Bible study for children ages 6 through 12 (grades 1-6).  On the Tennessee District we recognize the importance of helping children know what the Bible says and how it applies to their everyday life. The goal of Children’s Quizzing is for children to know the God of the Bible and become familiar with some of the essential teachings of God.
In Children’s Bible Quizzing, each child challenges himself or herself to reach award levels. In this approach, children quiz against a base of knowledge, not each other. The multiple-choice method of competition allows every child to answer every question.

Sunday Mornings

SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:30am-10:15am

SERVICE TIME  - 10:30 am-11:30 pm
Dismissed to Children's church following music worship